Lauderdale Assessment

What is a Rule 25 Assessment in Lauderdale MN?

A Rule 25 (call 612-249-3656 for an appointment) is a meeting between a medical professional and a person that may have a substance abuse or chemical dependency problem. The evaluation occurs in Lauderdale MN and assesses your overall chemical health. The medical professional follows MN state guidelines, as outlined in state statutes, subsection 25. Along with the guidelines all assessors follow, there is also a 16-page standardized interview form assessors use. The rule 25 assessment is also sometimes referred to as a chemical health evaluation or chemical dependency assessment. The assessment can take place inside Lauderdale or anywhere else in the state of Minnesota.

The medical professional you meet with typically is required to be a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor and will be the person that interviews you about your alcohol or drug use. The questions asked during the appointment help to determine if a person should be recommended for drug education or treatment. At the end of the assessment, a recommendation letter with results is provided to you and and any other person who may need it - such as lawyers, judges, or corrections agents when the substance abuse evaluation is court ordered for DWI, DUI, or other criminal charges.

It is extremely important that you select a medical professional that has advanced training in addictive disorders so that you do not get misdiagnosed or referred into ineffective treatment programs.

The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse recently released a report called Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice. This critical report points out that ineffective treatment and misdiagnosis happen often. This is because a lot of Alcohol and Drug Counselors lack advanced addiction education and expertise. Another issue is that people seek a Rule 25 at their local treatment center in Lauderdale. In this scenario, the treatment center assessor may have underlying bias to make referrals into their own rehab program, which may be an excessive, intensive treatment that will disrupt your life. The rehab program is unlikely to be the best option available for you and your unique situation.

Who should I meet with for my Lauderdale Rule 25 Assessment to ensure the best outcome?

Michael,  612-249-3656, is a Harvard-trained medical professional working in private practice. Michael has a profound understanding of addiction and wrote the book, A Frenzied Mind: Clarifying the science behind addictive disorders

Selecting Michael as your Lauderdale assessor has several benefits:
Your wants and needs come first, not a treatment centers profit margin.
Collaboration will occur. Michael works for you, not a governmental agency or for-profit treatment center.
Your assessment can be kept off your permanent medical record.
No risk of being mislabel an “addict,” “alcoholic,” having a chemical dependency issue, substance abuse problem, or substance use disorder.
No risk of excessive or inappropriate “rehab” or addiction treatment.
If you’re seeking help to moderate or quit chemical use because of substance abuse or chemical dependency, Michael can refer you to the most effective clinics based upon your specific goals.
Direct, after-hours access to Michael.
You will secure a personal advocate who will go above and beyond for you. If needed, Michael will write a letter stating his professional opinion on your situation to judges and/or Ramsey, Hennepin, Lauderdale, Dakota County or St Paul court officials. This is especially impactful for criminal – such as DWI or DUI - or family court ordered assessments.

Michael can be reached directly at  612-249-3656

Chemical Health Services in Lauderdale

Numerous health care services are offered.

  • Rule 25 assessment – MN state and court certified
  • Chemical health evaluations
  • Chemical health assessment
  • Chemical dependency evaluation
  • Chemical dependency assessment
  • Alcohol evaluation
  • Alcohol assessment
  • Substance abuse evaluation – Assessing a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others.
  • Substance abuse assessment
  • Drug evaluation - Assessing the use of mind-altering substances
  • Drug assessment
  • DWI evaluation - Assessing driving while intoxicated charges
  • DWI assessment
  • DUI evaluation – Assessing driving under the influence charges.
  • DUI assessment
  • Court ordered evaluation
  • Court ordered assessment
  • Second opinion assessment – Secondary evaluation when a person disagrees with a previous recommendation.
    • DWI level 1 classes
    • DWI level 2 classes
    • One day dwi program
    • Driving with care
    • Level 1 alcohol classes
    • Level 2 alcohol classes
    • Online training

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