A Rule 25 is a meeting between a medical professional and a person that may have a substance abuse or chemical dependency problem, which assesses chemical health. The medical professional follows MN state guidelines, as outlined in state statute rule 25. The rule 25 assessment is also referred to as a chemical health evaluation or chemical dependency assessment, which can take place inside Ramsey County or in a nearby area such as Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Anoka County, or Dakota County.
The medical professional is typically licensed as a Minnesota Alcohol and Drug Counselor and will be the one to interview you about your alcohol or drug use. The questions asked during the appointment help to determine if a person should be recommended for rehab services. At the end of the assessment, a recommendation letter with results is provided to you and others who may need it - such as lawyers, judges, and/or corrections agents when the substance abuse evaluation is court ordered for DWI or DUI.
Yes! In Minnesota there are specialized funds set aside to pay for rule 25 assessments and alcohol/drug treatment for individuals who are underinsured or uninsured. These funds are in what is known as the MN Consolidated Chemical Dependency Treatment Fund (CCDTF). Not everyone will qualify as there are residency and income eligibility requirements. To apply, simply contact the Ramsey County Rule 25 Department. Their phone number is 651-266-4008 and they will assist in applying for funding.
Michael, 612-249-3656, is a Harvard-educated medical professional working in private practice. Michael has a profound understanding of addiction and wrote the book, A Frenzied Mind: Clarifying the science behind addictive disorders
Selecting an expert like Michael as your private Rule 25 assessor has numerous benefits:
Collaboration will occur. Michael works for you, not a governmental agency or for-profit treatment center.
Your wants and needs come first, not a treatment centers profit margin.
Your assessment can be kept off your permanent medical record.
No risk of being mislabel an “addict,” “alcoholic,” having a chemical dependency issue, substance abuse problem, or substance use disorder.
No risk of excessive or inappropriate “rehab” or addiction treatment.
If you’re seeking help to moderate or quit chemical use because of substance abuse or chemical dependency, Michael can refer you to the most effective clinics based upon your specific goals.
Direct, after-hours access to Michael.
You will secure a personal advocate who will go above and beyond for you. If needed, Michael will write a letter stating his professional opinion on your situation to judges and/or Ramsey, Hennepin, Anoka, Dakota County or St Paul court officials. This is especially impactful for criminal – such as DWI or DUI - or family court ordered assessments.
Michael serves individuals in St Paul, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Anoka County, Dakota County, and the surrounding area. He can be reached directly at 612-249-3656
You can meet Michael at his office or he can meet you throughout the Twin Cities and surrounding metro: